Color Scheme
{ A combination of colors that work harmoniously together. }

What is a Color Scheme?
A Color Scheme is a grouping of colors that harmonize together, often based on their positions on the color wheel. Artists and designers use Color Schemes to achieve visual balance and appeal in their work. Examples of color chords include complementary colors (opposite on the color wheel), analogous colors (adjacent to each other), and triadic colors (equally spaced on the wheel). Understanding and applying color chords helps create cohesive and dynamic color schemes, essential for projects like lettering, blending, and artwork.
Explore Color Schemes with the Color Matcher Tool
To help you explore and build color palettes, try the Color Matcher tool. It allows you to experiment with a variety of color schemes, from classic complementary pairings to more creative combinations.
Here are a few samples of color matches:
This tool is ideal for anyone looking to experiment with color harmony and create their own perfect palette for lettering, art, or design projects.