The Fudenosuke Twin Brush Pen from Tombow is a must have for brush lettering. If I had to choose one pen, and only one, this would quite possibly be my choice.
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Essential tool for Brush Lettering!
The Fudenosuke Twin Brush Pen is brilliant, simply brilliant.
Tombow gives you three options of Fudenosuke brush pens. They are all lovely for those who are new to lettering, but also those who’s been doing it for a long time. Fudenosuke Twin Brush Pen lasts long, can be used on almost any paper surface without ruining the tips and because the tips are small you can write close to “normal” size writing.
… Of course, this is true for all smaller brush pens, so what makes this one stand out? The second brush tip! Not only do you get the regular black brush tip, but you also get the grey. You need grey to take your lettering one extra step up to add your shading. Or perhaps you simply want to write with grey instead of the “hard” black.
Thank you, Tombow for the Fudenosuke Twin Brush Pen!
Artwork created with the Fudenosuke Twin Brush Pen
Here’s a few examples of some of the lettering I created with Tombow’s Fudenosuke Twin Brush Pen.